Department of Food and Nutrition Research

Department's activities are focused on the promotion of methods for food and nutrition quality assessment. Research and professional work of staff members include determination of physical and chemical parameters of nutritional quality as well as foodborne hazards.

General research topics include:

  • Analyses of chemical composition and nutritional value of foods
  • Sensory analysis of novel food products
  • Microbial and chemical food contamination and the means of prevention
  • Assessment of nutritional status and dietary assessment of target populations
  • Diet planning for healthy and people with various medical conditions

The Department collaborates with the Croatian Chamber of Economy, County Chamber Osijek and the Croatian Beekeepers Association since 2000 by actively participating in the national contest of honey quality. In March 2005 the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management appointed the Department's Food Quality Laboratory as the official laboratory for honey and other bee products analyses (N.N. 41/2005). The Department actively collaborates with the Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food (earlier the Croatian Food Agency), the Institute of Public Health Osijek-Baranja County, Faculty of Medicine Osijek, University Hospital Osijek and many other national and international institutions.

Knowledge transfer is realized through a number of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses through theoretical and practical training on topics that reflect research interests and expertise of the Department's staff.

The Department's Head: Ivana Flanjak, PhD, Full Professor

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