Although studying is a period full of new pleasant experiences, it is at the same time the period of new challenges and big decisions. Adjusting to university life depends not only on our intelligence, but also on many others psychological factors like motivation, self- confidence, endurance and patience.
Adjusting to the new environment, concentration and learning problems, the feeling of hopelessness, the lack of support, love problems as well as the wish to quit the studies are just some of the issues that students in Osijek face with and ask for help in our Counseling and Psychological Services.
The aim of the Service is to give support to students to overcome their academic as well as personal challenges in order to improve their quality of life and self-efficacy in learning.
Counseling and Psychological Services organize various forms of activities:
- Individual counselling, where we work together to solve the problem and to develop students` psychological, social, emotional or academic skills.
- Group counselling which takes place when a group of students with the same problem appears.
- Educational workshops and lectures focus on the development of personal potentials. Up to now, we have held various workshops with the following topics: communication skills, self-confidence, emotional intelligence and love, motivation, time management etc.
The counselling is free for all students of the University of Osijek. Confidentiality guaranteed.
Make an appointment via email:
Our address is 10c Cara Hadrijana St. (at University Campus).
Please visit our website, and for more information on upcoming workshops follow our Facebook page