Mission and Vision


Mission of the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek is the systematic development and expansion of nationally and internationally recognized excellence in education and research in the area of biotechnical, technical, natural sciences, biomedicine and health and the transfer and application of knowledge to the benefit and prosperity of all parts of the society. The Faculty ensures and promotes the mobility of the students and teaching and non-teaching staff, rational use of human and material resources, continued improvement of the quality system, competitiveness and international competitiveness of the educational and scientific work. To realise this mission, the Faculty systematically implements a development strategy based on excellence and scientific and educational professional activity in accordance with the needs of the economy and challenges of the modern development of society, while simultaneously respecting tradition.


Vision of the Faculty of Food Technology of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek is to be a recognisable and competitive scientific and educational institution, focused on conducting internationally recognizable scientific, developmental and professional research in the area of biotechnical, technical, natural sciences, biomedicine and health and on the education of internationally recognized and competent experts.

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