CEEPUS is an acronym for the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies, whose primary objective is to promote mobility primarily for students of all study levels as well as for teachers within CEEPUS networks (network and umbrella mobility). In addition to mobility within existing networks, mobility can also be achieved outside of CEEPUS networks (freemover mobility) and short group mobility.
In addition to Croatia, the following countries participate in the CEEPUS mobility program: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia and the University of Pristina in Kosovo.
Faculty of Food Technology Osijek has been in the CEEPUS program since 1997 as a member of the CIII-HR-0306-For Safe and Healthy Food in Middle-Europe network, in which apart from Croatia participate Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Serbia. From the academic year 2019/2020 PTFOS students and teachers will also be able to achieve network mobility within the new CIII-HR-1404-Adriatic-Pannonian-Black Sea Food Connect network, co-ordinated by PTFOS. The new network covers Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania and Serbia.
PTFOS CEEPUS Coordinator:
Sandra Budžaki, PhD, Assoc. Prof.
+385 (0) 31 224 315
National CEEPUS Office:
Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes
e-mail: ceepus@mobilnost.hr
T: +385 (0) 1 500 5635
F: +385 (0) 1 5005 699