Laboratory for the wine analysis

About the Laboratory for the wine analysis 

The Laboratory for Wine Analysis was established at the Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek within the Department of Food Technology and the Department of Wine. In addition to standard laboratory equipment for wine analysis, through the implementation of the international projects SeeNet II and INNOWINE, the laboratory is equipped with equipment for rapid analysis of wine. The laboratory is intended to service the analysis of wines and musts and giving advice from wine production for medium and small wineries.

Offer of Laboratory Services

In order to improve the cooperation of the Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek with wine producers, we offer both individual analyses and analysis packages.​

Analysis of grapes and musts before and during harvest

Total acid content

The content of sugar refractometer and Oechsle Must scales

Wine analysis

Alcohol by volume (ABV)

Total acid content (g/L)

Volatile acid content (g/L

The content of the total dry extract (g/L)

Total sulfur dioxide content (mg/L)

Free sulfur dioxide content (mg/L)

The content of residual sugar (g/L)

Ash content (g/L)

pH of wine

Analysis package

Total acid content (g/L)

Volatile acid content (g/L)

Alcohol by volume (ABV)

Total sulfur dioxide content (g/L

Free sulfur dioxide content (g/L)

The content of the total dry extract (g/L)


Anita Pichler, PhD, full professor

Phone.: 031/224-319

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Lab location:

Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek

Franje Kuhača 18,

31000 Osijek

Samples of wine and must can be brought from 8 am to 3pm every working day.

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