Sub-Department of Cereal Processing Technologies

Due to the exceptional economic importance of grain processing, the goal of courses within the Department is developing the ability of students to solve problems in the production, as well as training specialists to ensure quality production of cereal-based food products. Students gain general knowledge about the types and varieties of cereal grain, and the importance of individual components of grain in the evaluation of technological quality.

Students learn about the analytical and rheological analysis, carried out in laboratories for processing grain. The study programs describes in detail the grain storage and flour production and the impact of certain processing stages on flour quality. Students acquire basic knowledge of technological processes in the production of bakery products, pasta, biscuits products, extruded products and the physico-chemical and nutritional properties of raw materials and finished products. Knowledge that students acquire by attending those courses enable them to independently solve engineering problems related to the production of high quality cereal-based products based.


Daliborka Koceva Komlenić, PhD, tenured professor

Undergraduate study 

  • Fundamental Cereal Technology
  • Technology of Plant-Based Raw Materials I

Graduate study 

  • Technology of Flour Production and Processing (FE231)
  • Technology of Flour Production and Processing (FS242)
  • Cereal Storage and Flour Production
  • Baking Technology
  • Technology of Pasta and Biscuit Production

Postgraduate study 

  • Achievements in Technology of Flour Production and Processing

  • Technology of Cereals-Based Functional Products

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