Sub-department of fruits and vegetables technology

Sub-department includes obligatory (Food Chemistry, Fundamentals of fruit and vegetable technologies, Product development in the food industry) and elective courses (Technology of fruits and vegetables processing and preservation, Chemistry and technology of fruit and vegetable, Food process preservation, Minimally processed foods, Spices and herbs). Within the courses students acquire basic knowledge about the conditions of harvest, origin, species, varieties of fruits and vegetables, and their physical and chemical properties. Next to knowledge about raw material, students acquire knowledge about processing technology and conservation of fruits and vegetables and stability of obtained products. In addition, students acquire knowledge on chemical changes that can take place in the foods depending on chemical composition and under influence of different factors, as well as on effect of those chemical changes on products quality and stability during processing and storage. The specificity of study requires that students obtain basic knowledge about the importance of research and development of new food products, trends in the area of food production and the basics of the process of innovation. Knowledge that students acquire throughout these courses will qualify them for autonomy in solving engineering problems related to the production of quality food products based on raw materials of plant origin, competing in the EU market.

In addition to the above courses at the undergraduate and graduate studies, sub-department includes courses at doctoral study Food technology and nutrition and at post-graduate professional studies Nutrition, Innovations in food production and Food safety and quality.


Mirela Kopjar, PhD, Tenured Professor

Undergraduate study

  • Food chemistry
  • Technology of processing of raw materials of plant origin II
  • Fundamentals of fruit and vegetable technologies 

Graduate study

  • Development of products in food industry
  • Technology of fruit and vegetables processing and preservation
  • Chemistry and technology of fruit and vegetables
  • Minimally processed foods
  • Processes of food preparation
  • Spices and herbs

Postgraduate study

  • Food chemistry
  • Advances in technology of fruit and vegetables processing and preservation
  • Minimally processed fruits and vegetables
  • Development of new products in food industry
  • Advances in the technology of foods of plant origin with elements of HACCP II
  • Nutritionist and new technologies
  • Development of new products
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